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  • Mars makes moves + what the heck is a cazimi? 🧐

Mars makes moves + what the heck is a cazimi? 🧐

I'm so glad you asked (and no, it's not a type of pizza).

I'm so glad you asked (and no, it's not a type of pizza).

This week is rife with opportunity to work toward your goals. It’s time to knuckle down and figure out how to get what you want (but you might need to figure out exactly what ‘that’ is first).

Slow and steady wins the race: Mars in Taurus 🐂

Mars has departed its native sign of the fiery ram and into that of the grounded bull. As you may remember from the pile up of Taurus transits last month, this is the sign of practicality and stability.

After what may have been a period of rapid and somewhat impulsive progress, we are now moving into ‘slow and steady’ territory. I want to highlight that this shouldn’t be mistaken for unproductivity (despite the misguided bad rap Taurus gets for being ‘lazy’) - Mars in Taurus can be a source of great determination and endurance. Remember that we’re talking about the bull here, if he wants to bowl you over he will!

Keep in mind that this persistence can sometimes translate into stubbornness, so try to lean into the Gemini energy we’re currently experiencing and maintain an open mind.

Being an Earth sign, Taurus is very focused on the material realm, making this a great period for making positive progress toward any tangible goals (get those coins!). Use this energy to lay solid foundations for the exciting new ideas you’ve been conjuring up over the last month or so.

Shining a spotlight on communication: The Mercury cazimi 💭

The Sun and Mercury are conjoining in Gemini on Friday, signaling a configuration known as a Mercury cazimi (which means ‘in the heart of the Sun’). The Sun’s focus on life-force and vitality joins forces with Mercury’s focus on communication and intellect, signaling an alignment perfect for self-expression. This is even more potent given that it’s occurring in Mercury’s native sign of Gemini.

This transit may bring with it a sense of mental clarity and sharpness, allowing you to explore new ideas and express your thoughts with ease. Be sure to direct this energy productively to avoid overthinking and scattered focus (lean into that Mars in Taurus energy!).

From navigating complex conversations to finally writing that screenplay, this will be the perfect time to embark on any pursuits that require strong communication skills.


I would describe this week as a time of ‘humble new beginnings’, as the planetary alignments invite us to lay fruitful foundations. Coupled with Jupiter’s recent transit into Gemini (where it will remain for the next 12 months), I think it’s fair to say that your next chapter awaits!


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