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Get ready for some sudden sparks this week 💥

Success, stability and a side of surprise is on the menu, as we see an abundance of Taurus transits 🐂

Success, stability and a side of surprise is on the menu this week, as we see an abundance of Taurus transits 🐂 

After a pile up of planets in Aries, it’s now well and truly Taurus season. These upcoming shifts present us all with an opportunity to sit down and do the work.

Astrologer Alan Oken describes the journey from Aries into Taurus perfectly:

If Aries is the pioneer out to discover new lands to conquer, Taurus is the settler. Aries sows the seeds but Taurus makes sure that they are properly planted, watered, and protected.

The excitement of discovery will only get you so far; now is the time to nurture and develop the seeds you’ve planted!

Sun x Uranus ☀️♅

Today marks a Sun Uranus conjunction in Taurus, triggering a curious dichotomy of stability and surprise. This transit may create a strong desire to break free from perceived constraints and innovate where relevant, particularly in regards to all things material.

Taurus can often be quite resistant to change (some might even say stubborn), which brings more conflicting dichotomies into play: stability and routine versus change and adaptability. With such polarities, this can be an incredibly energising transit. You may feel torn between everyday comforts versus the excitement of the unknown, the key is figuring out how to use this energy productively. Now is the time to accept and materialise the seemingly radical things you want from life. How can you leverage Taurus’ endurance and commitment to achieve your more off-the-wall Uranian ideas? Think about practical approaches that you can take toward unconventional matters, as you strike a balance between the stock standard and the innovative.

Mercury moves into Taurus ☿️

Later in the week Mercury joins the Taurus party, flavouring the fast-moving planet of communication with the Taurus tinge of practicality that we’re all familiar with by now. This is likely to bring a focus on tangible outcomes, as well as more grounded communication.

You may feel a little resistant to change at times (again, dare I say ‘stubborn’), which is even more prevalent with the Pluto Mercury square we find ourselves working with. There may be some intense conversations and challenges around shifting power dynamics. However, the accompanying energy of Jupiter and Uranus may help balance things out a bit, making way for more expansive thinking and opportunities to improve and enhance communication overall.

Venus x Uranus ♀️♅

This weekend Venus gets cozy with Uranus (innuendos anyone?). I can’t help but fixate on Uranus’ association with electricity, which brings the phrase ‘sudden sparks’ to mind for this transit. Needless to say we may see some surprises in the realm of romance. Things may get a little unconventional when it comes to our relationships and what we define as beautiful.

If I were to pick another descriptive phrase it would be ‘the desire for change’. Taurus typically errs on the conservative side but the combination of Venus and Uranus may bring a desire to rebel against convention, as we are challenged to embrace our quirks (and the quirks of those around us!).

Sun x Jupiter ☀️♃

On Sunday we’re treated to a delicious combination as the Sun and Jupiter come together in, you guessed it, Taurus! Themes of abundance and expansion are at the forefront, as Taurus gives us the perseverance we need to bring this optimistic energy into tangible form.

The Sun is our life force energy and vitality, so you can probably understand why I love seeing Jupiter in the mix. This is a favorable time for growth and success, particularly in regards to security and material wealth. However, as with all things, this is a balance so ensure you’re not placing too much emphasis on your material belongings. You may find yourself assessing your priorities and beliefs, so now is also a great time to hone in on solidifying your sense of self-worth.


This week certainly has an optimistic flavour, so be sure to make the most of it! Before you know it we’ll be shifting into Gemini territory with some major transits set to occur next week, including Jupiter changing signs after more than a year in Taurus. This will trigger some pretty profound shifts for all of us – keep your eyes peeled for my upcoming deep dive on this 👀


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